Let's see. Easter was quite a few weeks ago. We began celebrating it the week before in Family Home Evening with a special Easter lesson, then dying some Easter eggs. It was nice to go over the details of Christ's Resurrection again and be reminded of what a special event it was. Last year Josh was not interested in the Easter egg part, but this year he was all about it! We had lots of packages coming to our house from relatives and the kids had a great time opening those up. Thanks everyone!
Nick had the day off the Friday before Easter weekend so we took them to the "Marshmallow Drop" our city puts on every year. Basically you go to a big open field and wait as a helicopter flies overhead and drops marshmallows for the kids to gather. They separated the kids into a few different age groups which was nice and helped prevent pushing and shoving but the greed in people never ceases to amaze me. Josh was able to snag two marshmallows when his age group went, but Maya didn't get any and Nick ended up having to ask someone who had several to give one to her. Of course Maya was upset about the whole thing but cheered up when they exchanged their marshmallow for a coloring book and crayons at the end. It was pretty cool! (I can't find my pictures of this event, so you'll just have to trust me that we were there.)
>br/> The next day we went to an Easter egg hunt and played at the park for awhile with some friends. There were a ton of people at that activity as well....next year we will go back to doing our own to avoid the crowds!
Josh's class had a very cute program that they put on a few days before break. They sang songs and made little bunny goody bags. It's interesting to watch J in those types of programs. He never just stands there with his hands down, he is ALWAYS twirling the hair on top of his head, touching his face, or itching some part of his body. This time he decided to make it a little different and kept pulling up his shirt to expose his belly and play with his belly button.
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