Sunday, December 30, 2012


I love Christmas time! We have had a wonderful break from school and work and have really enjoyed some much needed family time together. Nick had a few vacation days left so he took those off at the beginning of his Christmas break from work. It has been amazing to have him home with us! He is such a huge help around here and is so much fun to be around. One day he watched Josh and Cora so I could go help out in Maya's class for her "Holiday" party. It was fun to see how she is with her little friends and her teacher. That week I also had the opportunity to go to Josh's party and watch his little program. They sang some songs and had sugar cookies. He seems so grown up now!
Singing songs in class
Cora turned 5 months old on the 23rd....what?? I can't believe she has almost been here for half of a year already. She is such a smiley baby and loves to be talked to. Josh still loves her so much and won't leave her alone and Maya likes to make her smile. Cora has rolled over from belly to back a few times but it's not her cup of tea. She'd rather put her head on the ground and cry. She likes sweet potatoes and pears, but we haven't given her much of anything else yet. She is a great little eater and nurses around every 4 hours. Her naps are great but we are still working out night time sleep issues. Her thighs are AWESOME, they are so chubby! We love you baby girl.
First time eating solids
"Why won't this kid just LEAVE ME ALONE???"
We spent Christmas Eve with our good friends and had a delicious dinner of steak, salad, baked potatoes, and cheesecake for dessert. We got home pretty early because Josh wasn't feeling 100% with his breathing and we wanted to make sure we were ready for Santa. Earlier in the day we made some chocolate chip cookies and had carrots ready for Santa's reindeer. Maya and Josh were so excited this year that they tried getting us up at 4:30am! I had to go in their room and sing songs quietly to get them back to bed. Mean mom but they stayed asleep until 7:45am. Maya's big gift was an Easy Bake Oven and a telescope and Josh got a Thomas track and a Cars 2 race track. He is constantly asking us to go in the basement to play with his "Wace Twacks" because he doesn't like to go down there alone. One of the best parts of the morning was when Maya gave Josh the gift she had picked out for him. I loved seeing how genuinly excited she was to give to somebody else. I'm glad they liked their gifts and it was fun, but next year we need to find ways to take the focus off of Santa.
Ready to go check out their gifts.
Pretty eyes. Hope you all had a nice Christmas!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Glad you had a good Christmas. Can you tell Maya thank you for our wands, we love them. Love you guys.