Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Maya's 7th Birthday

I can't believe that 7 years ago I was starting to have contractions and anxiously waiting for our first little baby to arrive. Life was so different before we had kids. I hardly remember...I just know that it was a lot easier and laid back, but I wouldn't change parenthood for those relaxing years we had. I am so thankful I get to be Maya's mom. She is a beautiful girl inside and out and has taught me so much. She is our little entrepreneur - always coming up with different products to sell or make. One time she mixed ranch dressing and ketchup and thought it tasted good. The next thing I know she is asking for plastic baggies and wants to go on the side of the road to sell some of her new dip. She is a snuggler and loves to spend time with mom and dad - she especially loves having one on one dates with each of us. I, too, treasure those times we have alone together. Maya is very imaginative and loves playing library, store, restaurant, (Her latest restaurant was "Walter's Best Food"). She is becoming so grown up and we love her to pieces.
After receiving her doll, Maya said, "I don't know why but this American Girl doll has changed my life." It was one of those moments where I really had to hold in my laughter.

This year all Maya wanted was an American Girl doll and a sleepover with our neighbors, Laura and Leah. Laura is Maya's best friend and they play together all the time. We ordered pizza and rented "Wreck it Ralph" for the girls to watch. Nick and I had to stay upstairs and do our own thing with Josh and Cora per Maya's request. It starts at such a young age! Oh well, we had fun too. Leah was asleep before 10pm, and when I went to check on the girls before I went to bed I caught them playing pranks on her. She had a face mask on, stuffed animals surrounding her sleeping bag, napkins placed on top of her, and a few other things. They had so much fun and I couldn't help but laugh myself as I watched them. On a side note, Maya sleeps with earplugs in because she is hypersensitive to noises and shares a room with Josh. That night we put her ear plugs in but they weren't quite ready for bed so Laura kept talking to Maya and she'd say, "WHAT!?!" really loud. Laura would get the giggles and repeat what she previously said. It was pretty funny.

The rest of the night was filled with nail painting and playing. I love how Cora and/or Josh are always in the bottom corner of these party pictures. That's what happens when you have younger siblings!

Thanks to everyone who called and sent gifts for our girl! Happy Birthday Maya!

1 comment:

Tyson Gerber said...

Hey I was really interested on maya sleeping with ear plugs. What age did that start? How find she learn? I want our girls to sleep together but I worry that London will wake her up. Can you give me advice or the full story behind that? Email me at

Thamks! Martha