I don't think Maya or Josh were ever as busy as this little maniac. I wanted to share a few things about her so I don't forget them:
She started climbing the stairs in October. I was finishing up some laundry in the basement while she played with her toys. I left her alone for a few seconds and before long she had climbed all the way up to our landing without any help! She looked so proud of herself at the top - I had to take a picture of her before she fell down. Look at that face!
She is HORRIBLE at the grocery store now. She grabs stuff off the shelves, she screams, and she isn't happy with anything I give her to distract her. I recently took her shopping and she got antsy so I handed her a chunk of granola bar. She grabbed it, examined it for 2 seconds, then threw it angrily on the floor. I was shocked. She has always been such a sweet baby and usually takes whatever food I give her, I guess she was just done that day.
She is into everything. She loves to take things out of containers or bags and could spend a good amount of time emptying my diaper bag or purse over and over again. Her hair looks awful in this picture.
She's a good eater and loves her bottles of milk. I love that we can feed her whatever we are eating. It is super helpful that she has teeth now. She is working on #'s 5 and 6.
She is still all over the place as far as her sleeping goes. Sometimes she gets up at 6am, sometimes she gets up at 7:30. I wish she'd be a little more consistent - but at least she sleeps well at night. Her naps vary from day to day. She usually has one long nap in the afternoon, but if she's up too early I will give her a morning nap, too.
She has become a standing machine! She loves to pull herself up to tables, chairs, and the couch. She cruises and has taken some steps, but she won't consistently walk yet. I know she can do it though.
She loves her siblings but prefers mom or dad. Maya and Josh like to play with her and they are really good at making her laugh.
She has become a terror at church on Sunday. She doesn't sit still anymore and wants to crawl around the nasty floor for 3 hours. She will start Nursery class at 18 months old, so that will make Sunday a little easier.
She loves snuggling her teddy bear and her soft blankets, more specifically her white one from Gramma Pat. Whenever I get her out of her crib after a nap I grab her blanket and she just hugs it. It's adorable. Especially since she has such warm, rosy cheeks and crazy hair. I just can't get enough of her!
One more thing she loves to get into, and this is a first out of 3 kids, is the toilet. If we leave the toilet seat up she will rush to it and pull herself up to take a look. The other day she threw her pacifier and a rubber ball down. Nick grabbed her and they were looking down at what she had done and she kept saying, "UH-OH! UH-Oh!" We couldn't help but laugh. M and J get a real kick out of their little sister's antics.
She has crazy straight hair and it's always in her pretty blue eyes. She dislikes hair bows, clips, and headbands. Sometimes I can pull her hair back in an elastic, but she rarely keeps it in for longer than an hour.
She is always trying to climb up on everything, including the bunk bed ladder. One of these days I will find her on the top bunk, I'm sure. It's amazing how fearless she is when it comes to anything EXCEPT walking.
We love you Cokey dokes!
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