Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Halloween, 2015

This year for Halloween I signed up to help in all of the kids' class parties. It was crazy but a lot of fun to be involved! Cora's party was a little hectic...18 three year olds roaming around like lost cattle. I was in charge of a craft table - the craft was far too complicated for this age group and I usually had too many kids at the table. It worked out fine, but I was sweating near the end. Cora was sweet and didn't leave my side for most of the morning. I dressed up like a cat and she was Elsa from Frozen, a last minute costume change because she didn't want to be a witch that day.


My parents came into town the following day and watched Cora so I could go help at the elementary school. By the time I got there everything was set up and, unlike preschool kids, these kiddos didn't require help with the stations, so I got to visit both classrooms without actually working. It was great! I'm done volunteering at parties for the year now. There was a different feeling being in the 3rd grade classroom versus 2nd grade last year. Maya looked so much more grown up and independent. She didn't outwardly say, "I don't want you here", but she seemed indifferent to me being around. So sad that she's growing up. She's a good girl. Josh was having fun with his buddies at his class party too. They had some great games to play. My friend, Mary, is the room mom and I just love her!! She made sure all of the snacks were Josh-friendly and I didn't have to worry a bit that he would get sick at his party. His teacher is more strict about food in the classroom, so that is helpful too. After the parties I went home and picked up Cora & my parents and brought them back for the school-wide parade. It was a great day!

Halloween fell on a Saturday...I love when that happens! We had some friends over for dinner and went Trick-or-Treating together. My kids were in Heaven. The weather was slightly rainy and gray, but still better than last year's sleet and wind.

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