Thursday, June 21, 2012


Here is my current view: I can barely see my toes at this point. My doctor requested I go in for a quick ultrasound today to see if the baby is measuring big. My last few appointments I have been measuring at least 1 1/2 weeks farther along. I brought Maya along because I thought she'd enjoy watching, which she did. It was fun to experience that with her! Unfortunately we couldn't see the face or profile because she was backwards, but we got to see toes, the heart, head, etc. She looks awesome! The ultrasound tech said to expect a baby with lots of hair. Usually they don't see much peach fuzz on the head, but she said her hair looked like it was "flowing" in the ultrasound. I think this will be another Giordano baby, like Maya! She is measuring pretty big, already over 6 lbs. and is expected to grow another 1/2 pound each week until her due date. (July 26) Of course, this is an estimate based on her measurements and could mean absolutely nothing, but I hope she does come early. She is at the 88 percentile! Big girl. I can't wait until this is all over and I can just hold her. We went to the Livonia Spree last night. The kids worked for 2 1/2 weeks to earn their tickets through various chores. Maya did great with this and worked very hard. It was more difficult to get Josh to do his chores..(Make bed, practice his name, clean up toys, etc.) Not sure if it is his age or laziness! We will keep working on him though. We had a great time, even though it was in the upper 90's and my feet were so swollen and felt like they were on fire. I tried to find shade and a bench to sit on in each area we ventured to. Nick was a great sport and took the kids on all of the rides. We had corn dogs, cotton candy, lemonade, and much more carnival food which gave me heart burn the rest of the night. I think the kids liked the Ferris wheel the best. Glad they had fun and that it is over with - it will be more fun next year when I'm more comfortable. Last Sunday was Father's Day. We made Nick some breakfast in bed and told him to relax for awhile but he wanted to join us at the table, so we had a nice meal together. We had cinnamon rolls, cheesy eggs, and yogurt with granola. We spent a few hours at church and came home where Nick had to grill his own Father's Day dinner. He didn't seem to mind too much though! We had BBQ'd ribs, loaded baked potatoes, jello salad, and corn on the cobb. For dessert we had Mackinac Fudge ice cream (to prep us for our trip up North this weekend, pray I don't go into labor please.) and some different types of cheesecake. It was a day full of calories, which is exactly what my sweet hubby loves!! The kids were extra good that day and we had a great time together. I'm so thankful for Nick. He makes an amazing and attentive father and truly wants to be a part of our kids' lives. He is the best and we love him! Breakfast Dinner on the back deck What Giordano celebration could be complete without lighting up a couple old sparklers from last year? My man is a stud. Cute J man.

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