Saturday, December 28, 2013

Soccer and other stuff

I have enjoyed my special time with Cora and Josh this fall/winter. I love that Josh only has school three times a week for 2 hours each day. I am dreading sending him to full-day Kindergarten next year. I'm trying to soak in every moment with him while I can. These two cuties have the best friendship already. Josh has always loved Cora and I thought it would wear off after awhile, but the love has only gotten stronger. This was a sweet moment I captured on my phone camera that I wanted to document. Cokey was sitting on the step looking out the front door and Josh came over to join her. He loves her so much.

Josh decided he wanted to play soccer this fall. He hated the first couple of games but grew to like/tolerate it in the end. At the last game he even asked his coach if he could be goalie. That was a huge step for him! I was proud of him. He was so excited to get a trophy at the end of the season.

He loved being on his buddy, "Wuke's" team. (Luke)

While my parents were visiting us in November, we ventured out to another apple orchard in Northville. I think I like our "usual" orchard better....more seating, better donuts and cider, and animals for the kids to see. It was fun to visit another orchard though, and they did have some fun things for the kids to play on.

These pictures are cracking me up. I love Maya's face in the picture with Papa Stan - they are constantly teasing each other, and she looks annoyed with him. I was also laughing at Josh's huge Detroit Tiger's hat and my dad's weird faces in every picture. It was a great visit!

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